OrangeFS Build Details

Building OrangeFS involves downloading the source software from onto a system preconfigured with several standard Linux packages. On this system you will extract and build OrangeFS into a portable directory named /opt/orangefs.

System Requirements

In addition to a supported distribution of Linux, the OrangeFS Build system requires eight more Linux software packages. The names for these packages vary from one Linux distribution to another. For example, following are the package names you would require on a system running RHEL:

The method for installing these packages varies among Linux distributions. For example, to automatically install the required packages on a system running RHEL, you could enter the following command:

yum -y install gcc flex bison openssl-devel db4-devel kernel-devel perl make openldap-devel libattr-devel

If you do not plan to use certificate-based security, omit the option openldap-devel from the command.


Because clients have different requirements for the OrangeFS build system, please read through all installation instructions for the client(s) you plan to use BEFORE you build OrangeFS.

To build OrangeFS, follow these steps:

1. Download Archive

Go to and download the compressed tar file into the /tmp/src directory (or similar directory for temporary storage). The tar file is named as follows:



version = version number of the OrangeFS distribution release

Example: orangefs-2.9.tar.gz

2. Extract Archive

Change Directory (cd) to /tmp/src, and extract the compressed tar file, then change to the newly created orangefs directory:

tar -xzf orangefs-<version>.tar.gz
cd orangefs-<version>

Following is a sample listing of initial directories and files in the orangefs download directory:

/tmp/src/orangefs-v.2.9.8 $ ls
aclocal.m4   doc       maint              README
AUTHORS         configure     docs        README.name_change
autom4te.cache  examples  patches            src
cert-utils      COPYING       include   prepare            test
ChangeLog       CREDITS       INSTALL  windows

3. Configure OrangeFS

Build a Makefile for OrangeFS that includes the installation location and the path of the system kernel, using the following command line format:

./configure --prefix=/opt/orangefs --with-kernel=<kernel_path> <protocol_options> <security_mode_option>


kernel_path = path to kernel source


In the second example, `uname -r` will return the kernel version.

protocol_options = one of the following:

If your network protocol is… Include these options:
TCP None, enabled by default
IB, using Mellanox IB libraries --with-ib=/usr --without-bmi-tcp
IB, using OFED --with-openib=/usr --without-bmi-tcp
MX --with-mx=/usr --without-bmi-tcp
GM --with-gm=/usr --without-bmi-tcp

If you must run OrangeFS on more than one network protocol, certain configurations may result in slower response times on the faster interface(s).

security_mode_option = one of the following:

To use this security mode… Include this option:
Default None, enabled by default
Key-based --enable-security-key
Certificate-based --enable-security-cert

with_db_backend = one of the following:

To use this database… Include this option:
Berkeley DB None, enabled by default
LMDB --with-db-backend=lmdb

LMDB is a newer and preferred database backend option but is not yet the default. It will work only for new installs or existing LMDB installs; you cannot upgrade from existing Berkeley DB installations.

./configure --prefix=/opt/orangefs --with-kernel=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build --enable-security-cert

When using the Upstream Kernel Module, omit --with-kernel=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build from the above command.

4. Build and Install

Run make to compile and install the software:

make install

5. Build and Install Out-of-Tree Kernel Module

When using the Upstream Kernel Module, do not perform this step.

Compile and install the kernel module that your OrangeFS Linux clients will need later:

make kmod
make kmod_prefix=/opt/orangefs kmod_install

OrangeFS by default works with SELinux in Permissive Mode.
To set SELinux to permissive mode, use the following command:

echo 0 > /selinux/enforce

To prevent SELinux from loading at boot time, edit /etc/selinux/config and set the SELINUX value to “disabled”, for example:


The command can vary, depending on your Linux version.